
8 Jan 2025:  The 2025 Calendar is now published. Corrected version as of 4 Feb 25.

29 Sep 2024:   Four members and a willing family assistant set up a 9x3m marquee at the Jarrahdale Log Chop Competition and Festival to showcase what the Club has to offer. With a large assortment of powered craft including a fast electric boat and Alan’s 1/144 scale USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (Nimitz-class aircraft carrier) measuring 2.3m in length and Guy’s IOM yacht on display, a fair amount of interest was shown by those who stopped for a chat. A few membership forms and many information pamphlets were handed out so hopefully the Club will gain a member or two. Well done to Alan, Guy, Mal, Jeff and Joe for their involvement through the day. Thankfully Guy’s voice held out for the day as by late morning it was starting to falter due to his constant talking with the public. A special thank you to Alan for coordinating the marquee and attendance at the Festival. Hopefully we can put on a bigger and better display next year, and possible participate in other Festivals in our region.

19 May 2024:  The Annual General Meeting was held at the lake with over half a dozen members in attendance. The election of the Management Committee for 2024/25 took place with those positions being Jeff Galloway (Commodore), Ken Prince (Vice Commodore/Public Relations), Alan Hawkins (Secretary/Treasurer), Trevor Williams (Property Officer) and Andre Witte (Committee Member). Many thanks were extended to Fred Backshell for his enduring work and support to the club over many years but unfortunately his focus is now going to be full size steam and diesel locomotives and he is unable to participate in RSMBC activities. Good luck Fred with your future pursuits and hopefully we’ll see you at the lake again at some stage.

At the AGM, the Commodore presented Wayne Metcalfe with his Life Membership Certificate and plaque. Although two years in the making, it nonetheless didn’t distract from the occasion and significance of the well deserved award to Wayne.

Wayne with his Life Membership Plaque






















23 Jul 2023: With excellent weather conditions prevailing, a ‘busy bee’ day was held to complete the installation of the paved path between the pavilion and the wharf. Additionally, a clean out and re-organisation of the main shed was done. With the BBQ fired up, an assortment of cooked items was enjoyed by the big group who participated in the day. Thanks to Fred who has lead from the front with the upgrading of the grass area and pathway.

Progress on the pathway
Shed clean out
Supervisors at work
The finished job

28 May 2023: At the AGM, the new Executive was voted in for the next year. Congratulations to Jeff Galloway (Commodore), Fred Backshell (Vice Commodore/Public Relations), Alan Hawkins (Secretary) and Toby Backshell-Jones (Committee Member). The proposals for ongoing club improvements were discussed and agreed.

19 May 2022:  At the AGM held today, it was announced that Wayne Metcalfe had been awarded Life Membership to the RSMBC for his long standing commitment and support to the Club in may aspects over many years.

22 Apr 2022:   The pavilion roof top has been painted so it no longer looks like a collection of assorted colours. Well done to Colin who coordinated the activity and did the wash down prior to the painting done on 20 April.